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Sempre amore - Love International Film Festival Mons

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Sempre amore - Love International Film Festival Mons

09/03/2023 - Il festival si terrà dal 10 al 18 marzo nella città vallona con un programma ricco di scoperte cinematografiche e grandi incontri.

In collaborazione con CINEUROPA NEWS
Copertina: Le Paradis di Zeno Graton

A strong comeback is on the cards for the Love International Film Festival Mons, which is returning from 10 to 18 March with a diversified programme, open to the world and to arthouse films, and buoyed by 79 films from 21 countries. In the festival’s opening slot, viewers will be treated to an international premiere of the new film by directorial duo Andréa Bescond and Eric Métayer, who previously gave us Little Tickles, which was discovered in 2018 and rewarded at the Césars. In Big Kids, they focus on a burning societal issue: the fate reserved for the elderly within our societies. In its closing slot, the festival is offering up a Belgian premiere of James Gray’s new film, Armageddon Time, which was originally unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival.
In terms of the International Competition, ten international titles are set for the showcase. These include The Lost Boys, Belgian director Zeno Graton’s first film, which has just been presented in the Berlinale’s Generation section; Ali Asgari’s Iranian movie Until Tomorrow, which screened in Berlin’s Panorama line-up and scooped the Grand Prize in the Valencia Film Festival; and Antonio Lukich’s Ukrainian film Luxembourg, Luxembourg, which was showcased in Venice’s Orizzonti section. The competition will also host the world premiere of Lucie Borleteau’s third feature film, My Sole Desire, as well as platforming Frédéric Sojcher’s new movie Le Cours de la vie. Two Spanish-speaking women directors are likewise set to be honoured: Elena López Riera, who was selected via El agua [+], discovered in Cannes’ Directors’ Fortnight, and Valentina Maurel on account of I Have Electric Dreams, which won three prizes in Locarno (Best Film, and Best Female and Male Actor). Rounding off the selection are two Canadian films - Before I Change My Mind by Trevor Anderson, and Chien Blanc, a new adaptation of Romain Gary’s novel by Quebec’s Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette - and Sérgio Machado’s Brazilian movie River of Desire, which was unveiled in Tallinn. The Cineuropa Jury, meanwhile, will award their prize to one of the competition’s European films.
The festival is also hosting a second International Competition, the Compétition 400 Coups, which showcases 6 film crushes which cross the divide between different film genres. Viewers will get to discover Day of the Tiger by Romania’s Andrei Tãnase, which was recently selected in Rotterdam; Chiara by Susanna Nicchiarelli, which was selected in competition in Venice back in the autumn; Polaris [+] by Spanish director Ainara Vera; Spotty & Me by Italy’s Cosimo Gomez; Fogaréu by Brazil’s Flávia Neves, which was discovered in the 2022 Berlinale; and last but not least, Hicham Ayouch’s Abdelinho, which premiered in Marrakech.
The event also acts as a precious platform for spotlighting recent Belgian productions. Audiences will chiefly discover Let’s Get Lost, François Pirot’s second feature film which is released in Belgium next week and in France on 29 March; Love According To Dalva, Emmanuelle Nicot’s debut feature film, discovered in Critics’ Week and released in France and Belgium on 22 March; and Habib, la grande aventure by Benoît Mariage, whose release in Belgium will be announced in April.
In addition to these screenings, the festival will be welcoming an array of guests, including French director, screenwriter and actress Emmanuelle Bercot, who will be delivering a masterclass as guest of honour, alongside actor, director and screenwriter Michel Blanc.

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